The ADM 5×07 is an ultrasonic water flow meter that should be installed permanently. The efficient clamp-on technology and simple retrofitting of measurements in existing networks
mean that there is no need for cutting pipes or disturbing processes in order to install the water flow meter. It is designed for implementation in the following applications:

  • Water and wastewater industry
  • Clean measurement process for drinking water systems
  • Leakage detection
  • Hydroelectric power plants (reservoirs)
  • Reservoirs

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Benefits of FLUXUS® G706:

  • Highly accurate measuring capabilities stationary applications
  • Precise bi-directional, highly dynamic flow measurement
  • Water-tight transducers
  • User-friendly menu navigation – the firmware is specifically adapted to the needs of the water industry
  • Installation and commissioning can be carried out
    during operation
  • High measuring accuracy, even at low flow velocities


Permanent Flowmeters for Gases

FLUXUS® permanent, clamp-on ultrasonic systems allow for the flow measurement of almost all liquid and gaseous media – even those with increased inputs of solids and gas (<10%) or even wet gas (LVF <5%). FLUXUS® reliably measures on very small tubes (e.g. DN 6 tubes in paint finishing systems) and very large pipes (e.g. DN 6500 downpipes in hydropower plants). The practical advantages include:
  • No wear and tear by the medium flowing inside the pipe
  • No risk of liquid leakage or fugitive gas emissions
  • No pressure loss
  • Unlimited plant availability