Grip Wrenches

RIDGID® Pipe Wrenches are world-renowned for their unsurpassed toughness and serviceability. The original heavy-duty pipe wrench, pictured below, has earned the confidence of pipe professionals for over 80 years because it does the job right the first time, every time.

RIDGID® Pipe Wrenches are available in a wide variety of purpose-built configurations.

2-Handle wrench with heavy-duty jaws.

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Our range of Grip wrenches are fit for every industrial application. This product comes with a full lifetime warranty against defects in materials and workmanship.

Model Number Size (mm) Size (inch)
1140 215 8 ½”
1141 280 11”
1142 375 14 ¾”
1143 545 21 ½”
1144 720 28 ½”