IDC Terminals

The very compact IDC Terminals enable highly reliable wire-to-board connections in extremely miniaturized applications such as retrofit LED lamps, medical equipment, mobile devices or smart metering equipment. The surface mount (SMT) IDC Terminals facilitate fully automated board assembly and eliminate the preparation (stripping) of wires prior to termination due to its IDC contacts. As a result, costly and unreliable hand soldering can be avoided as the discrete wires can be processed reliably and reproducibly. IDC Terminals are available for stranded and solid wires of different cross-sections and outer diameters (AWG 24 / 26 / 22).lease

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  • Ideal for miniaturized wire-to-board connections
  • Extremely small connector outline on PCB
  • Automated pick and place assembly
  • Reliable retention force
  • Wire Stop or Feed Through versions available
  • Various colours for easy identification

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ERNI is a leading global manufacturer and worldwide supplier of a broad line of interconnects for a variety of industries. ERNI develops and manufactures high quality connector solutions, cable housings & enclosures and cable assemblies for a broad spectrum of applications. ERNI is especially strong at developing interconnect technology for instrumentation devices, notably connectors for the medical & automotive industries. Advantages of ERNI connectors: - They save a lot of space thanks to their strong miniaturization - Highest plug-in safety and reliability - Vibration & shock resistance, especially for the harsh conditions of the vehicle world [button color="accent-color" hover_text_color_override="#fff" size="small" url="" text="DOWNLOAD PDF" color_override=""] [button color="accent-color" hover_text_color_override="#fff" size="small" url="" text="Supplier Website" color_override=""]
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