Concentration analysis in the Beverages and Pharmaceutical industries is a very important aspect of real time quality control. PIOX® R combines the laboratory principles of refractometry with the production process and uses transmitted light to determine the concentration or density of liquids. The refractometer measures directly in the probe volume flow and not indirectly at the boundary layer, which makes it especially reliable and unaffected by deposits. Its stainless steel housing and sapphire prism eliminate dead spaces, which makes potential bacterial contamination nearly impossible. PIOX R can be integrated into the process via Varivent or Tri-clamp compatible flanges.

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Whenever a refractometer is used to measure in the laboratory, it is also suited for the same task in the process. Additionally, the process refractometer PIOX® R can be used for many applications where measurements were done by a different method up to now, or not at all. It is the ideal solution for continuous process control within hygienic environments

Benefits of PIOX® R  refractometers:

  • Wide measuring range with consistent precision
  • Highly functional and not sensitive to fouling
  • Biprism enables difference measurement
  • Drift free: unaffected by external process conditions


Concentration, Density and Mass Flowmeters

Product characteristics like concentration and density can be monitored continuously online using PIOX® process analysers: non-intrusively with PIOX® S clamp-on ultrasonic systems and wetted with the PIOX® R process refractometer. PIOX S: Both the acoustic measuring method and optical transmitted light measurement basically involve velocities: PIOX® S ultrasonic systems measure the propagation velocity of sound in the medium – also non-intrusively PIOX® R: Directly measures the angle of refraction of two monochromatic beams of light as they pass through the sample stream.