PIOX® S offers non-intrusive concentration, density and flow measurement of chemically aggressive, corrosive, abrasive or ultra-pure media, such as nitric, sulfuric and phosphoric acid, among others. The measurement method of PIOX® S is based on the ultrasonic transit-time principle where two ultrasonic transducers are mounted on the pipe wall and are alternatively emitting and receiving ultrasonic signals. In a large number of binary media systems, the acoustic velocity is in a fixed proportion to concentration and density. One of the products in the S-range, the PIOX S721, measures the acoustic velocity, thereby determining the density and concentration of the medium inside the pipe. By simultaneously recording the volume flow rate, PIOX S721 automatically calculates the mass flow rate as well.

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Benefits of the PIOX S-range:

  • No risk of corrosion and leaks
  • Simultaneous measurement of concentration and mass flow
  • Clamp-on, non-intrusive technology means there’s no need for
    process shut-down for installation and no risk of media contamination
  • Suitable for virtually all pipe sizes and materials; whether it‘s steel, plastic, glass or special materials with coatings
  • Able to withstand temperatures of up to 400 °C


Concentration, Density and Mass Flowmeters

Product characteristics like concentration and density can be monitored continuously online using PIOX® process analysers: non-intrusively with PIOX® S clamp-on ultrasonic systems and wetted with the PIOX® R process refractometer. PIOX S: Both the acoustic measuring method and optical transmitted light measurement basically involve velocities: PIOX® S ultrasonic systems measure the propagation velocity of sound in the medium – also non-intrusively PIOX® R: Directly measures the angle of refraction of two monochromatic beams of light as they pass through the sample stream.